Computer Architecture MIPS verilog Implementation


Computer Architecture MIPS Implementation


module MIPS(
	input CLK

CLK만을 input으로 가지는 MIPS 모듈 선언. MIPS의 전체 구조를 구현하며, Instruction Memory, Control, Register, ALU, Data Memory간의 관계 또는 처리 과정의 틀

// IM
wire [31:0] Next_PC, Instr, Branch_addr;
reg [31:0] PC;

// Control
wire RegDst, RegWrite; // control signal
wire ALUSrc, MemWrite, MemRead, MemToReg; // control signal
wire [3:0] ALUOp;
wire PCSrc, JToPC, Branch; // mux control signal
wire [5:0] Opcode, Funct;

// Register
wire [31:0] Jump_addr;
wire [4:0] Read1, Read2, Reg_Write_addr;
wire [31:0] Branch_or_offset;
wire [31:0] Reg_Write_data, Read_data1, Read_data2;

// ALU
wire [31:0] ALU_B, ALU_result, Lw_Sw_offset;
wire zero;

// DM
wire [31:0] Read_or_Write_addr;
wire [31:0] DM_Write_data, DM_Read_data;

Instruction_Mem에 필요한 Next_PC, Instr, Branch_addr wire 선언, PC reg 선언.

Control에 필요한 RegDst, RegWrite, ALUStc, MemWrite, MemRead, MemToReg, ALUOp, JToPC, Branch, Opcode, Funct wire 선언

Register에 필요한 Jump_addr, Read1, Read2, Reg_Write_addr, Branch_or_offset, Reg_Write_data, Read_data1, Read_data2 wire 선언

ALU에 필요한 ALU_B, ALU_result, Lw_Sw_offset, zero wire 선언

Data_Mem에 필요한 Read_or_Write_addr, DM_Write_data, DM_Read_data wire 선언

assign Next_PC = PC + 32'd4;
assign Branch_addr = {Branch_or_offset[29:0], 2'b00};
assign PCSrc = (Branch && zero);

assign Opcode = Instr[31:26];
assign Funct = Instr[5:0];

assign Jump_addr = {Next_PC[31:28], {Instr[25:0], 2'b00}};
assign Read1 = Instr[25:21];
assign Read2 = Instr[20:16];
assign Reg_Write_addr = (RegDst) ? Instr[15:11] : Instr[20:16];
assign Branch_or_offset = (Instr[15] == 1) ? {16'hFFFF, Instr[15:0]} : {16'h0000, Instr[15:0]}; // sign extend.

assign Lw_Sw_offset = (Branch_or_offset[31] == 1) ? {2'b11, Branch_or_offset[31:2]} : {2'b00, Branch_or_offset[31:2]};
// if instruction is lw or sw, divide the offset by 4.
assign ALU_B = (Opcode == 6'b100011 || Opcode == 6'b101011) ? Lw_Sw_offset : ((ALUSrc) ? Branch_or_offset : Read_data2);
// if instruction is lw or sw, ALU_B is Lw_Sw_offset.

assign DM_Write_data = Read_data2;
assign Read_or_Write_addr = ALU_result;
assign Reg_Write_data = (MemToReg) ? DM_Read_data : ALU_result;

전 코드에서 wire로 변수들을 이어줄 준비를 했으니 이제 할당할 차례임.

assign Next_PC = PC + 32'd4; PC값에 32비트 10진수 4를 더해줌 -> PC = PC + 4

assign Branch_addr = {Branch_or_offset[29:0], 2'b00}; {a, b}: 결합 연산

branch 할 때의 주소를 할당. Branch_or_offset의 상위 29비트를 2비트 shift함

assign PCSrc = (Branch && zero); PCSrc control을 결정함. Branch AND zero

``assign Opcode = Instr[31:26];` R-Type에서 Opcode를 결정. Instruction의 상위 6비트

assign Funct = Instr[5:0]; R-Type에서 Funct를 결정. Instruction의 하위 6비트

assign Jump_addr = {Next_PC[31:28], {Instr[25:0], 2'b00}};

Jump 할 주소를 결정. Opcode를 제외한 명령어의 26비트를 2비트 shift 후 Next_PC의 상위 4비트에 결합

assign Read1 = Instr[25:21]; assign Read2 = Instr[20:16]; Read register 결정

assign Reg_Write_addr = (RegDst) ? Instr[15:11] : Instr[20:16];

Reg_Write_addr 결정. RegDst가 1이면(R-Type) rd가 0이면(I-Type) rt가 Reg_write에 들어감

assign Branch_or_offset = (Instr[15] == 1) ? {16'hFFFF, Instr[15:0]} : {16'h0000, Instr[15:0]}; Instr[15] == 1, 즉 2’complement일 때는 음수이므로 1로 sign extension, 아니면 0으로

assign Lw_Sw_offset = (Branch_or_offset[31] == 1) ? {2'b11, Branch_or_offset[31:2]} : {2'b00, Branch_or_offset[31:2]}; 모르겟음

assign ALU_B = (Opcode == 6'b100011 || Opcode == 6'b10101) ? Lw_Sw_offset : ((ALUSrc) ? Branch_or_offset : Read_data2); 모르겟음

assign DM_Write_data = Read_data2; I-Type일 때 rt가 Write data로 결정

assign Read_or_Write_addr = ALU_result; Read address 와 Write address가 ALU_result로 결정

assign Reg_Write_data = (MemToReg) ? DM_Read_data : ALU_result;

MemToReg가 1이면 Register에 저장할 data를 메모리에서 가져온 값인 DM_Read_data이고 0이면 ALU에서 계산된 값인 ALU_result로 결정

Instruction_Mem Instr_mem(PC[8:2], Instr); // Asynchronous module.
	[8:0]         [8:2]
0	000 0000 00   000 0000 => 0
4	000 0001 00   000 0001 => 1
8	000 0010 00   000 0010 => 2
12	000 0011 00   000 0011 => 3
16	000 0100 00   000 0100 => 4
20	000 0101 00   000 0101 => 5
24	000 0110 00   000 0110 => 6
28	000 0111 00   000 0111 => 7

Instruction_Mem에서 input값으로 PC[8:2]와 Instr를 넣어줌. PC[8:2]는 4씩 끊어지는 PC값을 10진수로 1씩끊어지게 인코딩(?)하는 과정

Control control(Opcode, Funct, RegDst, RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemWrite, MemRead, MemToReg, JToPC, Branch, ALUOp); // Asynchronous module.
Register Reg(CLK, RegWrite, Read1, Read2, Reg_Write_addr, Reg_Write_data, Read_data1, Read_data2); // Synchronous module.
ALU alu(ALUOp, Read_data1, ALU_B, ALU_result, zero); // Asynchronous module.
Data_Mem DM(CLK, MemWrite, MemRead, Read_or_Write_addr[6:0], DM_Write_data, DM_Read_data); // Synchronous module.

Control, Register, ALU, Data_Mem 모듈에 Input값 넣어줌

Asynchronous vs Synchronous 차이 모르겟음

always @(posedge CLK)
	PC <= (JToPC) ? Jump_addr : ((PCSrc) ? (Branch_addr + Next_PC) : Next_PC);

	PC = 32'd0;


모르겟음… ㅡㅡ;;


module Instruction_Mem(
	input wire [6:0] addr,
	output wire [31:0] data );

Instruction Memory 모듈 선언. Input으로 addr(주소)와 data(데이터)를 받음.

//parameter NMEM = 128;   // Number of memory entries, not the same as the memory size
//parameter IM_DATA = "im_data.txt";  // file to read data from
reg [31:0] mem [0:127];  // 32-bit memory with 128 entries

128개의 entry를 가진 32비트 명령어 메모리 선언

	// $readmemh(IM_DATA, mem, 0, NMEM-1);
	mem[0] = 32'b100011_00000_10000_00000_00000_000000; // lw s0 0($zero) , s0 = 1 
	mem[1] = 32'b100011_00000_10001_00000_00000_000100; // lw s1 4($zero) , s1 = 0
	mem[2] = 32'b000000_10000_10001_10010_00000_100000; // add s2 s0 s1 , s2 = 1 
	mem[3] = 32'b000000_10000_10001_10011_00000_100010; // sub s3 s0 s1 , s3 = 1
	mem[4] = 32'b000000_10010_10011_10100_00000_100100; // and s4 s2 s3 , s4 = 1
	mem[5] = 32'b000000_10010_10011_10101_00000_100110; // xor s5 s2 s3 , s5 = 0
	mem[6] = 32'b000000_10101_10100_10110_00000_101010; // slt s6 s5 s4 , s6 = 1
 	mem[7] = 32'b000100_10101_10001_00000_00000_000001; // beq s5 s1 1 , s5 = s1 = 0
	mem[8] = 32'b000010_00000_00000_00000_00000_001101; // j 13 , it is not executed at first, but is executed after the jump. (mem[12])
	mem[9] = 32'b100011_00000_10111_00000_00000_001000; // lw s7 8($zero) , s7 = 0
	mem[10]= 32'b101011_10111_10101_00000_00000_010000; // sw s5 16(s7) , mem[4] = 0
	mem[11]= 32'b100011_10111_10000_00000_00000_010000; // lw s0 16(s7) , s0 = mem[4] = 0
	mem[12]= 32'b000010_00000_00000_00000_00000_000011; // j 3
	mem[13]= 32'b000000_10000_00000_10111_00000_100111; // nor s7 s0 $zero , s7 = 32'b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111;
	mem[14]= 32'b100011_00000_01000_00000_00000_101000; // lw t0 40($zero) , t0 = 32'b0101_0101_1010_1010_0101_0101_1010_1010;
	mem[15]= 32'b100011_00000_01001_00000_00000_101100; // lw t1 44($zero) , t1 = 32'b0111_0111_1000_1000_0111_0111_1000_1000;
	mem[16]= 32'b000000_01000_01001_01010_00000_100000; // add t2 t0 t1    , t2 = 32'b1100_1101_0011_0010_1100_1101_0011_0010; positive value (overflow)
	mem[17]= 32'b000000_01000_01001_01011_00000_100010; // sub t3 t0 t1    , t3 = 32'b1101_1110_0010_0001_1101_1110_0010_0010; negative value
	mem[18]= 32'b000000_01000_01001_01100_00000_100100; // and t4 t0 t1    , t4 = 32'b0101_0101_1000_1000_0101_0101_1000_1000;
	mem[19]= 32'b000000_01000_01001_01101_00000_100110; // xor t5 t0 t1    , t5 = 32'b0010_0010_0010_0010_0010_0010_0010_0010;
	mem[20]= 32'b000000_01010_01011_01110_00000_101010; // slt t6 t2 t3    , t6 = 32'd1;

simulation 할 때의 명령어를 instruction memory에 저장

assign data = mem[addr][31:0];


data에 addr번째 명령어 저장(?)


module Control(
		input wire [5:0] Opcode, Funct,
		output reg RegDst, RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemWrite, MemRead, MemToReg, JToPC, Branch,
		output reg [3:0] ALUOp );

Control 모듈 선언. Input으로 Opcode, Funct를 가짐.

Output으로는 Control signal들인 RegDst, RegWrite, ALUSrc, MemWrite, MemRead, MemToReg, JToPC, Branch, ALUOp를 가짐.

always @(*)
	case (Opcode)

Opcode를 보고 control 설정

6'b000000 : begin // R Type - add, sub, and, or, slt
			RegDst = 1; RegWrite = 1; ALUSrc = 0; MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 0; MemToReg = 0; JToPC = 0; Branch = 0;
			if(Funct == 6'b100000)	ALUOp = 4'b0010; // add
			else if(Funct == 6'b100010) ALUOp = 4'b0110; // sub
			else if(Funct == 6'b100100) ALUOp = 4'b0000; // and
			else if(Funct == 6'b100101) ALUOp = 4'b0001; // or
			else if(Funct == 6'b101010) ALUOp = 4'b0111; // slt
			else if(Funct == 6'b011000) ALUOp = 4'b1000; // mult
			else if(Funct == 6'b100110) ALUOp = 4'b1101; // xor 
			else if(Funct == 6'b100111) ALUOp = 4'b1100; // nor
			else ALUOp = 4'b0000; // To avoid creating a latch

Opcode가 6’b000000일때, 즉 R-Type일때의 Control signal 설정. R-type일때는 Funct를 보고 어떤 기능을 하는지 알 수 있으므로 Funct에 따라 ALUOp 결정.

6'b100011 : begin // Load Word
			RegDst = 0; RegWrite = 1; ALUSrc = 1; MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 1; MemToReg = 1; JToPC = 0; Branch = 0;
			ALUOp = 4'b0010; // add for lw
		6'b101011 : begin // Store Word
			            RegWrite = 0; ALUSrc = 1; MemWrite = 1; MemRead = 0; 	       JToPC = 0; Branch = 0;
			ALUOp = 4'b0010; // add for sw
			RegDst = 0; MemToReg = 0; // To avoid creating a latch
		6'b000100 : begin // Beq
				    RegWrite = 0; ALUSrc = 0; MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 0;	       JToPC = 0; Branch = 1;
			ALUOp = 4'b0110; // sub for beq
			RegDst = 0; MemToReg = 0; // To avoid creating a latch
		6'b000010 : begin// Jump
				    RegWrite = 0;             MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 0;	       JToPC = 1; Branch = 0;
			RegDst = 0; ALUSrc = 0; MemToReg = 0; ALUOp = 4'b0000; // To avoid creating a latch

Simulation할 때, Instruction memory에서 lw, sw, beq, j 명령어와 위에서 정의한 R-Type 명령어만을 사용하므로 이것들의 Opcode에 대한 Control Signal 설정

default : begin // To avoid creating a latch
			RegDst = 0; RegWrite = 0; ALUSrc = 0; MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 0; MemToReg = 0; JToPC = 0; Branch = 0;
			ALUOp = 4'b0000; 


	RegDst = 0; RegWrite = 0; ALUSrc = 0; MemWrite = 0; MemRead = 0; MemToReg = 0; JToPC = 0; Branch = 0;
	ALUOp = 4'b0000;

Simulation할 때의 Control Signal 설정


// `define DEBUG_CPU_REG 0
module Register(
		input wire CLK,
		input wire RegWrite, // control signal
		input wire [4:0] read1, read2,
		input wire [4:0] wrreg,
		input wire [31:0] wrdata,
		output reg [31:0] data1, data2 );

Register 모듈 선언. Input으로는 CLK, RegWrite, read1, read2, wrreg, wrdata를 가지고, Output으로는 data1, data2를 가짐.

reg [31:0] mem [0:31];  // 32-bit memory with 32 entries

32개의 entry를 가지는 32비트 메모리 선언

	// $display("$v0, $v1, $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, $t4, $t5, $t6, $t7");
	//$monitor("%b, %b, %b, %b, %b, %b, %b, %b, %b, %b",
		//mem[0][31:0],		/* $zero */
		//mem[16][31:0],	/* $s0 */
		//mem[17][31:0],	/* $s1 */
		//mem[18][31:0],	/* $s2 */
		//mem[19][31:0],	/* $s3 */
		//mem[20][31:0],	/* $s4 */
		//mem[21][31:0],	/* $s5 */
		//mem[22][31:0],	/* $s6 */
		//mem[23][31:0]		/* $s7 */
	mem[0] = 32'd0; // $zero = 0;

register memory 출력(?)

always @(*) 
	if (read1 == 5'd0) // $zero
		data1 = 32'd0;
	else if ((read1 == wrreg) && RegWrite)
		data1 = wrdata;
		data1 = mem[read1][31:0];
  • if 절: read1이 $0(zero)일 때 data1에 0을 넣어줌
  • else if 절: read1이 write register이고 RegWrite가 1일때 data1에 wrdata를 넣어줌 (read1이 write register일 때가 있나??)
  • else 절: 두 경우 모두 아닐 때 read1의 주소에 있는 값을 data1에 넣어줌
always @(*)
	if (read2 == 5'd0) // $zero
		data2 = 32'd0;
	else if ((read2 == wrreg) && RegWrite)
		data2 = wrdata;
		data2 = mem[read2][31:0];
  • if 절: read2가 $0(zero)일 때 data2에 0을 넣어줌
  • else if 절: read2가 write register이고 RegWrite가 1일때 data2에 wrdata를 넣어줌
  • else 절: 두 경우 모두 아닐 때 read2의 주소에 있는 값을 data2에 넣어줌
always @(posedge CLK) 
	if (RegWrite && wrreg != 5'd0) // $zero can not be changed.
		// write a non $zero register
		mem[wrreg] <= wrdata;



module ALU(
		input [3:0] ALUOp,
		input [31:0] a, b,
		output reg [31:0] out,
		output zero );

ALU 모듈 선언. Input으로 ALUOp, a, b를 가지고 Output으로 out, zero를 가짐.

wire [31:0] sub_ab;
wire [31:0] add_ab;
wire [31:0] mult_ab;
wire oflow_add, oflow_sub, oflow, slt;

sub, add, mult, add overflow, sub overflow, overflow, slt wire 선언

assign zero = (0 == out); // true or false
assign sub_ab = a - b;
assign add_ab = a + b;
assign mult_ab = a * b;
  • out이 0이면 zero는 1, out이 1이면 zero는 0
  • sub, add, mult 계산
assign oflow_add = (a[31] == b[31] && add_ab[31] != a[31]) ? 1 : 0; // overflow
assign oflow_sub = (a[31] == b[31] && sub_ab[31] != a[31]) ? 1 : 0; // overflow, If the latter is greater in absolute value, oflow_sub is 1.
assign oflow = (ALUOp == 4'b0010) ? oflow_add : oflow_sub;
assign slt = oflow_sub ? ~(a[31]) : a[31];

overflow계산하는 과정. add와 sub 연산 시 overflow를 체크해 slt 연산 시 사용.

always @(*) 
	case (ALUOp)
		4'b0010  : out = add_ab;		/* add */
		4'b0000  : out = a & b;			/* and */
		4'b1000  : out = mult_ab;		/* mult */
		4'b1100  : out = ~(a | b);		/* nor */
		4'b0001  : out = a | b;			/* or */
		4'b0111  : out = {31'd0, slt};		/* slt */
		4'b0110  : out = sub_ab;		/* sub */
		4'b1101  : out = a ^ b;			/* xor */
		default  : out = 0;

Sumulation 할 때, ALUOp에 따른 연산을 수행해 out에 값을 넣어줌.


module Data_Mem(
	input CLK,
	input wire MemWrite, MemRead, // control signal
	input wire [6:0] addr,
	input wire [31:0] Write_Data,
	output reg [31:0] Read_Data );

Data memory 모듈 선언. Input으로 CLK, MemWrite, MemRead, addr, Write_Data를 가지고, Output으로 Read_Data를 가짐

reg [31:0] mem [0:127];  // 32-bit memory with 128 entries

128개의 entry를 가지는 32비트 메모리 선언

always @(*)
	if(MemWrite == 0 && MemRead == 1) // lw
		Read_Data = mem[addr][31:0]; 
		Read_Data = Read_Data; // To avoid creating a latch

MemWrite가 0이고 MemRead가 1이면 lw 명령어를 수행할 때임

  • if 절: Read_Data에 addr주소를 가진 값 넣어줌
  • else절: latch 생성을 피한다(?)
always @(posedge CLK)
	if(MemWrite == 1 && MemRead == 0) // sw
		mem[addr][31:0] <= Write_Data;

MemWrite가 1이고 MemRead가 0이면 sw 명령어를 수행할 때임

  • if 절: addr주소를 가진 메모리에 Write_Data값을 넣어줌
integer i;
	mem[0] = 32'd1; // for s0 = 1
	mem[1] = 32'd0; // for s1 = 0
	mem[2] = 32'd0; // for s7 = 0
	mem[3] = 32'd0; // initialize
	// mem[4]	
	mem[5] = 32'd0; // initialize
	mem[6] = 32'd0; // initialize
	mem[7] = 32'd0; // initialize
	mem[8] = 32'd0; // initialize
	mem[9] = 32'd0; // initialize
	mem[10] = 32'b0101_0101_1010_1010_0101_0101_1010_1010; // 0x55aa_55aa
	mem[11] = 32'b0111_0111_1000_1000_0111_0111_1000_1000; // 0x7788_7788
	for (i=12; i<128; i = i+1) // initialize	
		mem[i] = 32'd0;

Simulation 할때 필요한 값들을 넣어줌
